Image courtesy of Heidi Vanderbilt
Information and Payment
My telephone sessions are by appointment.
When requesting an appointment, I’ll need to know the time zone from where you’ll be calling. Also, please send me information on your animals: name, breed, color, age and weight (if cat or dog.) My schedule is varied and I work days and evenings Monday thru Saturday (till noon). Give me two or three dates/times that work for you and I'll fit you into an opening in my schedule. At the time of the appointment, you will call me at the number below.
My rate is $140 per hour and $70 per half hour and I accept all major credit cards. Please send your billing name and address for your credit card (name as it appears on the card, address the statement is sent to) but NOT the number. Be sure to include your phone number - in case I need to contact you before the reading. I accept payments via PayPal and Venmo. Checks or money order are also accepted.
I look forward to hearing from you!